Blake Roebuck

Blake Roebuck He/Him/HisMid-CareerWorks at Indy ChamberVice President of Corporate RelationsLives in Herron Morton SET-UP A MEETING Blake’s INDY Top 5 Riding bikes on one of Indy’s many incredible greenways or trails Enjoying the Indy culinary scene with...

Carissa Newton

Carissa Newton She/Her/HersExecutive LevelOwner of CN Creative Marketing Strategy​Assistant Professor of Practice, UINDYDirector of Fry Scholars Program, UINDYOwns a House in AvonHas Kids SET-UP A MEETING Carissa’s INDY Top 5 Sitting in a Turn Two Suite and...

Alli Donovan

Alli Donovan She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Indy ChamberMarketing Manager, Talent & ImageOwns a House in Broad Ripple SET-UP A MEETING Alli’s INDY Top 5 Enjoying an afternoon walk on the Monon Trail Drinking a beer at Sun King Brewery Visiting the...