Jean Lee

Jean Lee She/Her/HersExecutive LevelFounder, The Academy of ChaosEvent Director, Midwest Homeschool ExpoOwns a House in Zionsville SET-UP A MEETING Jean’s INDY Top 5 Science learning at the Indiana State Museum Creek stomping at Flowing Well Park Animal...

Megan Baldwin

Megan Baldwin She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerTalent Partner at JD Finish LineRents an Apartment in Lockerbie Square SET-UP A MEETING Megan’s INDY Top 5 Spending a Sunday afternoon at Highland Park Catching up with friends for dinner at the Garage Food Hall or Bodhi...

Tanner Smith

Tanner Smith He/Him/HisEarly-in-CareerWorks at Rolls-RoyceRents a House in Downtown Indianapolis SET-UP A MEETING Tanner’s INDY Top 5 Working at downtown coffee shops (Provider, Amberson, Barista Parlor) Sunday sauna sessions at North Mass Boulder Phone-free...

Katrina Youngs

Katrina Youngs She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Visit IndyDigital Content ManagerOwns a House in Greenwood SET-UP A MEETING Katrina’s INDY Top 5 Enjoying mimosas and brunch with friends at Gallery Pastry Bar Strolling through the Central White River Trail...

Kylie Stine

Kylie Stine She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Wabash CollegeAssistant Director of Special Events & Donor StewardshipLives in Zionsville SET-UP A MEETING Kylie’s INDY Top 5 Working from the newest coffee shop featured by Indianapolis Coffee Guide Attending...