Brooke Young She/Her/HersMid-CareerEmployed by the National Restaurant AssociationOwns a home in Whitestown SET-UP A MEETING Brooke’s INDY Top 5 Spending a beautiful afternoon at Main Street Park in Whitestown with my family Enjoying appetizers and drinks at...
Sean O’Dell He/Him/HisEarly-in-CareerWorks at Indianapolis Airport AuthorityRents an Apartment in Downtown Indianapolis SET-UP A MEETING Sean’s INDY Top 5 Watching a Colts win at Lucas Oil Stadium (with the roof open) Weeknights @ IUPUI playing intramural soccer...
Paula Angarita Rivera She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Eli Lilly & CompanyPrincipal ScientistRents an Apartment in Southport SET-UP A MEETING Paula’s INDY Top 5 Running along the Indianapolis Canal Having brunch with friends at Garden Table on Mass Ave....
Kylie Stine She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Wabash CollegeAssistant Director of Special Events & Donor StewardshipLives in Zionsville SET-UP A MEETING Kylie’s INDY Top 5 Working from the newest coffee shop featured by Indianapolis Coffee Guide Attending...
Alana McConnell She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerWorks at Marian UniversityRents a Townhouse in the Broad Ripple Neighborhood SET-UP A MEETING Alana’s INDY Top 5 Sipping on a Chanel No.5 at Sundry and Vice Walking along the Monon Trail with my pup Date night including...
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