Choosing Indy: Why Young Professionals Are Moving to Indianapolis

Sunset over the White River

People often wonder why I chose Indy over larger cities like New York or Chicago. But the facts show that Indy’s a vibrant, affordable place to launch your career—and that’s why more and more young professionals are moving to Indianapolis.

I believe context is always important, so here’s mine: I grew up surrounded by cornfields in a small town just north of Indianapolis. During the summers, my friends and I would ride our bikes through the streets, spend time at the parks, and single-handedly keep the local gas station in business through our affinity for fountain drinks.

But I was born in the Chicago suburbs, where most of my family still lives today. That meant we spent most of our holidays and summers in the area, and I became a proud supporter of Chicago sports and a well-made pizza. But more than that, I came to love being in the city. 

With that context, you can understand why I love both small towns and big cities—each with their own unique advantages. In the city, you find energy, innovation, diversity, and activity. But small towns offer community, simplicity, and a beautiful sort of ordinariness. 

The problem is finding a place that does both! Indianapolis is one of the few cities that combines the best of major metros without compromising on that small-town feel. And in my mind, that makes Indy the perfect place to start a career. 

Indianapolis is one of America’s greatest hidden gems.

Growing up, there were lots of reasons to make the trip to Indy. I’d go to Indy Eleven games with my brothers, visit the Indianapolis Children’s Museum on field trips, and make our monthly pilgrimage to Costco. 

But as I got older, I realized there’s more going on in Indianapolis than I thought. I’m a huge sports fan and started noticing just how many national sporting events come to Indy, including everything from Big Ten Championships, to the 2012 Super Bowl, and the entire March Madness tournament

Then, in college, two things happened. First, I made a lot of friends from Michigan—and the thing about Michiganders is they love telling you they’re from Michigan. In fact, they’ll go on and on about why their state is great. I’ve enjoyed my time up north, but I started to get annoyed by all the Michigan talk. So, I started boasting about Indiana!  

I’ve always known Indiana’s one of the most underrated places in the U.S., but this was the first time I really explored everything Indy has to offer. We’ve got beautiful parks like White River and Eagle Creek, world-class attractions like Newfields and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and so much more. 

The second thing that happened in college: I got interested in economics. I started reading articles about businesses expanding in Indy. I met with local leaders to get an inside look at the Indianapolis economy. And I talked with countless young professionals who chose Indy over other cities. 

It’s no secret that Indianapolis is growing. But I began to see Indy for what it was—a vibrant city with endless opportunities for young professionals like me. I saw the incredible momentum building around Indianapolis, and I started to get excited.

Getting ice cream after a walk on the Monon Trail
Elias Presenting

Indy offers career opportunities unlike any other.

The next step was to get a taste of professional life in Indianapolis. I studied Philosophy and Public Relations at Taylor University, so I started researching companies that might attend their annual Internship and Career Fair. That’s when I came across Prolific and JDA Worldwide, and I was instantly interested. 

One thing led to another, and I was offered a Public Relations internship. It was remote, but I knew I wanted to make the trip to Indy to see their downtown office. A few weeks into the internship, I stepped off the elevator for the first time and knew Indy was where I wanted to be.

The office overlooked the city, and the skyline view reminded me of all Indianapolis has to offer. Even on my short walk to the office, I passed inviting restaurants, the beautiful Indianapolis Public Library, and the busy Cultural Trail. That’s the thing about Indianapolis—you really have to experience it for yourself. 

Fast-forward a couple of months, and I’m working full-time at JDA Worldwide. It didn’t take long to notice something special: Indianapolis has an incredible community for professionals of all ages. People are incredibly willing to have a conversation with you over lunch or coffee, and there are so many organizations ready to support you. 

But they don’t just want to see you succeed. They want to help you achieve your goals in tangible ways. Here in Indy, you’ll find countless professional development opportunities, ranging from networking events before a baseball game to volunteer fairs where you can learn how to make an impact. And they all have one goal: to help you get connected. 

Community is what makes Indianapolis so special.

Indiana is well-known for its rustic Hoosier Hospitality, but I was surprised by how much I experienced that community and kindness in the city. And it wasn’t just from people you’d expect. 

My first few weeks on the job, I was invited to walk over and connect with someone who I’d reached out to over email. Leaders from Prolific and JDA showed up at the office in collegiate apparel to watch March Madness games over lunch. It’s things like these that make a difference—but there’s so much more to love about Indy. 

Let’s hit a couple of my personal favorites. First up, Indy is connected by a vast network of bike-friendly neighborhood trails. From where I’m writing this, you could get on a trail, head downtown, visit the north suburbs, and never have to get off a bike. And either way you go, you’ll find fun restaurants, bookshops, and parks! 

My wife and I have certainly taken advantage of this. At least once a week, we walk to our favorite ice cream shop and then continue on the Monon Trail for a while. We just walk in the shade, taking in the peace and quiet I never thought I’d find in the city. 

We also got memberships to our local branch of the Indianapolis Public Library, which is a major hub of activity in our neighborhood. On any given day, you’ll find parents checking out books with their kids, professionals working remote at the desks, and friends gathered around a table catching up. When you walk in, it feels just like a local small-town library—and there’s something truly special about that. 

Indianapolis is a place you can put down roots.

So many people I know go into their first job and can’t wait until they can leave. Sometimes, it’s the workplace culture. Sometimes, it’s the work they do—and often, it’s where they live. 

But in Indianapolis, I’ve found a community where I belong, a job I love, and a city where the sky’s the limit. Just walking around Indy, it’s incredible how often you run into people who know and care about you. My wife and I have run into coworkers, friends we made through church, and neighbors we’ve gotten to know in the area. And you’ll hear that same story everywhere you go. 

Indianapolis may be a large city, but it still feels close-knit. It’s a place where you can genuinely be known. And unlike so many young professionals, I’m not looking to leave. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. My wife and I plan to make Indianapolis our forever home. 

Take it from me: Indianapolis has everything you could hope for and more. It’s got heart, opportunity, and a vibrant, hospitable community. And it’s the perfect place for you to build not just a career, but a life.