Riley Crandall

Riley Crandall He/Him/HisEarly-in-CareerWorks at DuCharme, McMillen & AssociatesOwns a House in Fox Prairie SET-UP A MEETING Riley’s INDY Top 5 Visiting the local brewery scene such as Field Brewing, Deviate, or Sun King. Exploring downtown by eating at the...

David Frix

David Frix He/Him/HisEarly-in-CareerWorks at Rolls-RoyceProgram ManagerOwns a House in Carmel SET-UP A MEETING David’s INDY Top 5 Biking to Midtown Carmel and enjoying the restaurants Seeing a band at the Vogue or Egyptian Room Sampling Indy’s breweries...

Mia Townsend

Mia Townsend She/Her/HersEarly-in-CareerDrone Pilot & Copywriter SET-UP A MEETING Mia’s INDY Top 5 Sipping on a Spanish Latte at Kaffeine  Finding the best festivals through Do317 Meeting other creatives at a Creative Mornings event!  Going to Saraga...

Starla Trigg

Starla Trigg She/Her/HersMid-CareerOwns a Condo in Pike Township SET-UP A MEETING Starla’s INDY Top 5 Concerts at the Jazz Kitchen, Old National Center, Clowes Hall or the Palladium will family or friends. Cheering on the Colts at Lucas Oil Stadium or the Pacers...

Sidney Ozobu

Sidney Ozobu He/Him/HisMid-CareerAdjunct Professor at Butler UniversitySenior Business Advisor for the Indiana Small Business Development Center hosted at Butler UniversityOwns a house in Old Northside SET-UP A MEETING Sidney’s INDY Top 5 Anything Fountain...